Importance Of Technology Training For The Teachers

The duties and responsibilities of a teacher is now not limited with the chalk and blackboard. Alike the management students, even they need to think of creative ideas and perform tasks which were once considered beyond the responsibilities.

Technology has made us a slave to its benefits. So education cannot stay far away from it.



Now-a-days teachers need to be tech geeks in order to handle educational apps, online discussion forums and even social media conversations.

Advent Of Technology In Education

imagesAs far as educational apps have created a new outlook towards education so do the teachers had to change their approach while dealing with assignments and examination modules. Everything is going online, so is the study and learning modules. Online classroom sections are been popularised as it connects the students and the teachers without been physically present in the classroom. Students link to their subject teachers and conduct their assignments and exams online. Though it has eased out the tasks of the teachers to a certain extent but also indicate rigorous tech knowledge to handle and operate those apps fluently.

The Conference

Recently the University of Delaware has planned to host its third annual UD Educational smart+phoneTechnology Conference (UDETC) on March 5, to help pre-K-20 educators develop a better understanding of the alternatives now available. The full-day conference will aim to acknowledge the teachers with technology experience to the extent of possibilities and provide the more technology – savvy users opportunities to explore newer, cutting edge technologies.


Participants in this conference will gain in hand experience in the following topics:

Coordinate Office 365 across multiple devices
Conduct online assessments
Create digital content for the classroom; and

An imperative response has been noted from the teachers’ community. Cindy Luce, who teaches at St. John the Beloved School in Wilmington said, “As educational technology becomes a must-have instead of a nice-to-have, UD’s Ed Tech Conference provided a much-needed opportunity for professionals to learn from each other and stay on top of the latest trends.”

The Change For Good

It is good to see the involvement of the teachers learn more about technology and the newer technologies that the development team has to offer. Going online simplifies a lot of burdens of the teachers and even learn newer stuffs so that they can offer it to their students immediately. Social discussion forums allow to exchange knowledge and latest educational updates not only among the students of same class but also of different schools. Altogether an education revolution will about to be created.

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