How to Make the Most Out of Any Online Course?



Choosing the right mode of education is an important issue for learners today, as, today, there are many alternatives to the mainstream education system. Modern life does not always cope with the traditional systems. In education this becomes truly prominent. The days are gone when people had so ample time to spare for spending years in schools and universities to acquire knowledge. Today, people need a learning system that enables them learn most efficiently through the most flexible system possible.

Addressing the changing expectations of people in their learning process, different styles and processes of distance education have been evolved in course of time, among which online distance education is the latest one. Online learning allows one to enjoy the most convenient mode of education that fits around every one’s life. It is really a fantastic model education could ever be explored through. But, there are some attitudes found absolutely essential to get maximum benefits from one’s studying through accredited online school.

Discipline of Studying

While online school allows one to enjoy the freedom from note-taking, it certainly involves lots of online learning materials and lectures to be attended punctually by the learners. Since, online learning provides enormous flexibility of studying, students must not bunk their online classrooms in order to keep them attuned with learning developments.

Computer Efficiency

In online learning model students are expected to demonstrate standard skills of handling internet tools. One must have sufficient computer proficiency to download the required software time to time to make diverse online process going smoothly.

Well-considered Course Selection

Before taking up an online course one should thoroughly meditate on the skills he is going to get from that, and if his targeted skill-generation may get fulfilled from pursuing that course. One should always enquire thoroughly over variety of courses available for him, and select the best one that he finds best suiting his requirements.

Cost-efficient Views

When rising cost of higher education has become a global issue, one should always move safely in selecting his online course. There are difference in fees-structure for a same course offered by different universities and course providers. One should make a thorough survey of these diverse costs and take his decision discreetly.




Online classes, though, provide flexibility of studying as per learners own convenience of time, it does not at all mean that students do not have any responsibility of studying on their own. Online learning can be successful only by the means of self-motivation. One should make a regular study on his own initiative, and should not drag his feet on his tasks for tomorrow. A punctual initiative on studying only can result in successful achievement of his desired qualification in easy and convenient way.

Maintenance of Devices

Pursuing an online course always require minute eye on the tools and devices needed for his smooth course of learning. He should take care of his tablet or laptop regularly. He can always contact an expert professional for computer maintenance in regular interval.

Pursuing a course from an accredited online school can be really a comfortable affair which in turn may prove to be one’s thorough developments in experience. Only with following some simple yet valuable measures one can make his learning truly worthwhile.

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How Corporate Learning is Redefining Education



Why corporate learning is fast coming up as the most acceptable fashion of education is quite evident in its all-encompassing model. The essence of this learning model involves responsible participation from every individual, which in turn contributes to a cumulative group work. But, the better part is that every individual learner also play vital role to see that the other learners of his/her group are learning equally well. This co-operative effort of education was first developed in 90s, with the spirit that combined effort should be such that either all members of a group should succeed or fail. There is no middle way.

There are mainly three categories of corporate learning methods: formal, informal and cooperative, each of which is based on different styles of learning. Whatever it is, corporate learning follows five fundamental concepts, each distinguished by five key elements: face-to-face interaction, positive interdependence, group processing, accountability and interpersonal skills. The perfect design of corporate learning must include all these five factors, and incorporate various assignments to generate cumulative effort to share information for the sake of an entire group’s success.

Let’s see how these five major elements of cooperative learning play their roles:-

Face-to-face Interaction: In this process, the chief emphasis lays on oral discussion that instructors design to bring out for exchanging of ideas and group dynamics to make collaborative efforts in learning. This sort of process can successfully take place via classroom message box like Blackboard or pre-scheduled online chats. The ultimate aim of this sort of method is to build inter-dependence on one another for success.



Positive Interdependence: This element shows that the each distinct role assigned to individual member is initiated through mutual interdependence of the group members. The project idea is shared and participated by all the group members to the satisfactory outcome.

Group Processing: In this phase, participants focus on the individual as well as collective outcome in respect of executed and unfinished work. Analysis of helpful and unhelpful measures is identified here through the comprehensive capacity of the participants. And, based on the feedback of them positive momentum for future project is planned.

Accountability: Accountability both in respect of individual and group-work is judged in cooperative learning. Educators design the processes in such way which may be on expected or random times to see the eagerness of participation from the group members. There is Formative assessment to measure the ongoing progress and participations from each and every member; and, Summative assessment that calculates particularly individual participation, instead of the whole group, after completion of the project.



Interpersonal Skills: Interpersonal skills are kind of social skills that students are often need to be taught. Social nuances like leadership, confidence, good communication, trust, management skills are aspects that get focused through the projects. In course of group work, students are expected to identify their weaknesses and overcome them thoroughly.

Corporate learning is, thus, making a whole new concept of education where learning becomes a spontaneous development, instead of monotonous process. Especially, in business management studies this model of learning has proved to be fetching unbelievably positive outcome.

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Knowledge and Skills Matter More than Grades in Today’s Business Sector


If some of the noted educationists are to be believed, going to top ranked colleges and universities alone is not enough to fetch you a coveted job profile. It is a wake-up call for all the students, teachers and parents too. It is of little relevance at the workplace whether you have top grades or have attended the elite colleges, if you possess the required skills, you will be considered as a suitable candidate for the job.

Is creativity more precious than formal education?

It may seem surprising to you but the global leaders in corporate sector today belong to same school of thought: “learning-by-making rules;” “Imagination is more important than knowledge;” and “learning to learn is more important than memorizing information.”

Do not get this thought or the current hiring practices at the biggest companies wrong. Grades are important, as they reflect your expertise in the skills required by the organizations and companies today. Obtaining high grades indicates your natural talent or ability to learn certain skills that may not be acquired naturally.

However, one has to become the master of the basic skills in order to keep up at today’s workplace. It does not matter whether you have acquired them in K12, college, or learned while on the job, you must hone your basic skills to rub your shoulders with the best in business.

Job seekers must have new knowledge and skills

Educationists and business leaders believe that job seekers must have new knowledge and skills, such as inventive thinking, fluent digital participation, coding and making digital stuff, digital communication, digital literacy, in order to get into almost in all fields like business, government, entertainment, health and education.

Most leading companies consider the old basic skills as insufficient, so candidates must focus on learning the new basic skills. It means they should have the ability to ask big questions, see connections, think originally and follow leads, draw parallels, and think creatively, objectively and collaboratively. One should know that innovation and learning skills are the key to success for big organisations.

The articulation of soft skills of innovation, teamwork, leadership, humility, and ownership is quite strong in the leading companies. They may be considered as soft skills but constitute an essential combination to the innovation. Seldom you see individual breakthroughs leading to innovation, but revolve around the collaborative group work that demands personal adaptability.

Anyone with an experience of working in R&D and tech organisation in academia and industry knows that working in teams is tough, as they are unsure of the role they might be given the next day. According to some business leaders, to know when and how to present yourself, when and how to hold back, and when and how to implement influence and teach or direct are the skills that differentiate emergent leadership from the traditional leadership.

traditional leadership


It is known fact that successful innovation can only be achieved through learning, imagination, and by exact data, for which one absolutely requires humility. Hence, it is essential to create the learning environment, where people can inspire their brain though imaginative thinking, brainstorming, researching and innovative ideas.

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